Model 231

The Organization, Management, and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01

The Company has decided to adopt its own Organization, Management, and Control Model (hereinafter also referred to as “Model 231”) in line with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/01 (hereinafter also referred to as “Decree 231”), keeping it updated over time. This decision was made in order to:

  • strengthen the Internal Control System in accordance with legal provisions and best practices in the field, also through the updating/implementation of supporting control measures;
  • disseminate the principles of fairness and transparency in the conduct of business activities to all recipients of Model 231, individuals who, in various capacities, come into contact with the Company.

Model 231 complements the Group’s Code of Ethics, the Whistleblowing and Anti-Corruption Policies, the ISO 9001 Management Systems, and the company’s internal governance policies and procedures. The Supervisory Body of Figli di E. Cavalli S.r.l. is endowed with autonomous powers of initiative and control, a collegial body consisting of 2 members external to the Company.

Figli di E. Cavalli S.r.l.

Via Tagliamento, 61